
March 20, 2008

Jazz vs. Lakers

For Valentine's Day we were treated with lower-bowl tickets to a Jazz game and enjoyed the night thoroughly, even if the Jazz couldn't set the franchise home mark for most consecutive wins by losing to the Lakers.

We weren't quite this close, but did enjoy the lower bowl.

Posing on the first row behind the basket.

Kyle warming up. This one if for you, Pierce!

I think it is primarily a Martin disease where you must take pictures of yourself whenever a camera is present....or maybe just Nettie's thing that rubs off on the others.


Nettie Martin said...

There are worse diseases? So catching the "Oh look. . . Nettie's taking another picture of herself" disease isn't that bad =) Love the update!

Marcy said...

Wow-those are great seats!!! i am so jealous!!! since moving down here to vegas, i don't get to see the Jazz play all that often! but, oh do i miss Stockton!!!

Jill said...

So....let me get this straight...family photos + family memories=BAD MARTIN TRAIT?

You sound like my husband...definitely an in-law!